NOVA LIGHTING BOARD Instructions, the Lighting Board is found on the table in the DJ BOOTH
TURN ON / OFF. Flip power switch (rear of unit behind “Pro Line”) to turn on / off
When you select a light represented as a number on the touch screen when it is RED that means it is ACTIVE
and can be changed via INTENSITY or COLOR which are also selected on the touchscreen (RED when ACTIVE),
then you roll the wheel just below INTENSITY or COLOR to increase to a MAX 255
or decrease to a minimum of 0 (0 = zero light, 255 = as bright as possible)
UNSELECT ALL: use this touchscreen button before changing lights so you do not accidentally change other settings
EDITOR: this touchscreen (TS) button brings you back to the main touchscreen where the numbered light buttons are
MAIN DIMMER: this physical lever is the dimmer switch on the right side of the panel which will light/dim ALL LIGHTS (except #37).
INTENSITY: select this TS button to increase/decrease the selected light. Light is ACTIVE when RED
COLOR: use this TS button only for #37 wall LED and DANCE Lights #38-41
**** IMPORTANT ******* IMPORTANT *****
When it’s time to shut the lighting board down, follow this exactly:
#1 Turn intensity of all LEKO lights 1-36 down to 0 (see #3 below)
#2 Turn 3 Colors of LED #37 (Red, Green, Blue) down to 0 (see #4 below)
#3 Turn Intensity of STAIR LED #42, 43, 44, 45 all down to 0 (see #5 below)
#4 Make sure that dance lights are turned off properly (see #6 below)
#5 Click grey button “menu” then press “shutdown”
#6 Once screen says “Ready to Shut down” flip switch on rear panel. Screen should go dark. Power is off.
MASTER DIMMER is the lever on the right side of the control board, directly under the red button and above the track ball. This acts as a dimmer for ALL the lighting, except the COLORBLAST LEDs #37
TOUCH SCREEN + Wheels Directly Below the Touch Screen:
This is where you will touch/select the light(s) you wish to activate (red light = currently active)
and deactivate (green light means light was active during this session but is NOT currently active.
That light may be lit but you can NOT change it unless it is RED).
#1 touch the light(s) you wish to activate. You can scroll up / down as there are lights 1 thru 45.
#2 Light(s) showing RED are active and can be changed.
#3 Once your lights(s) are selected (red showing) then select the “Intensity” button (active = intensity is red)
#1 Once light(s) are selected (see above) and the “intensity” button is active (red light is on)
#2 Roll the wheel UP = ON or DOWN = OFF. The Max UP = 255 and the Minimum = 0 = OFF
#3 Get in the habit of selecting “Unselect All”, found at the top of the touch screen, after you change a light,
because if you don’t then when you select your next light to change the previous one will still be on
and you will also change that light too. Change a light. “Unselect all” Change another light. “Unselect all”.
# 3 The LEKO lights (white lights) are found on the touchscreen 1-36
LEKOS (white lights):
1-12 North Wall west 1 – 12 east
13-24 South Wall west 13 – 24 east
25-36 Center west 27, 28, 25, 26, 29-36 east
# 4 The LED Lights (COLORBLASTS) (shining on the brick walls)
Select “unselect All”
Select #37 on the touchscreen
Select “COLOR” then use the 3 wheels below COLOR
LED colors are changed using the 3 Wheels below COLOR: One Wheel for each: RED, GREEN and BLUE
Custom Create Colors. Each Color can be from 0 = off to 255 = Maximum
Purple:Red = 255 Green = 0 Blue = 255.
White: Red = 255 Green = 255 Blue = 255
Red: Red = 255 Green = 0 Blue = 0
# 5 STAIRS LED LIGHTS: 42, 43, 44, 45
These are the LED lights that point directly down on the stairs.
They are NEVER to be set on flashing or rotating ONLY on a steady light color.
“Unselect All”
Select #42 on the touchscreen.
#42 = Intensity #43 = Red #44 = Green #45 = Blue
Select “Intensity” and roll the wheel up / down to desired intensity
Select combinations of intensities for each of #43, #44 and #45 to create the color you desire for the stairs.
Hit each button (43, 44, 45) and move intensity up separately to change color
STAIRS OFF: Select #42, #43, #44 and #45 then select “Intensity” then roll wheel down to 0
#6 DANCE LIGHTING: 38, 39, 40, 41
#1 Turn on 2 power switches (up = on) (on right above DJ booth, use pole under desk) and wait one minute.
#2 Select “Unselect All”
#3 Select 38, 39, 40, 41 so they turn red. (Red = currently active)
#4 Select “MENU” then “COMMAND” then “LAMPS ON” then “DONE”
#5 Wait 30 seconds, then turn on (locate) the 4 Dance lights lighting on via “LOCATE”
#6 Make sure that “INTENSITY” is all the way to 255 for all 4 lights (38, 39, 40, 41).
“Locate” makes the dance light reset and point directly down at the floor.
Now you can adjust the individual COLOR and shapes and motion of each light
#7 Select “COLOR” – adjust individual light colors
** always “Unselect All” after each so you are only adjusting one light at a time.
#8 Select “PRISM” this sets a prism effect making the one light beam prism into 3.
#9 Then back to “COLOR” then “EFFECTS” then choose the type of light movement rotation like “FIGURE 8” or “STEPPED SQUARE” .
#10 Repeat for all 4 lights
Dance Lighting OFF:
#1 Select “Unselect all” then Select “38,39,40,41”
#2 Select “Release” then “Clear All” (the lights should stop moving)
#3 Select “MENU” then “COMMAND” then “LAMP OFF”
#4 WAIT for LIGHTS to COOl DOWN for ** 5 minutes ** BEFORE TURNING OFF POWER
#5 Turn the 2 switches on right above DJ booth off (down = off)
——————- PROGRAMMING a Q —————————————
1 EDITOR and then hit CLEAR ALL
4 choose PLAYBACK # (1-20) example, choose #12
6 SELECT light, for example #37 for colorblast
7 SELECT the first color in this Q, but before you must make all 3 colors active by choosing RED and GREEN and BLUE
and roll them up to 255 then down to 0.
So once all 3 colors are ACTIVE, choose your color, say purple (Red = 200 Green =0 Blue = 180)
8 SELECT + PLAYBACK # (#12 for our example)
10 add 2nd color in your Q, so EDITOR + #37 + set your 2nd color, say (Red = 0 Green = 255 Blue =50)
12 add 3rd color in your Q, so EDITOR + #37 + set your 3nd color in this Q #12 (R=100 G=100 B=100)
14 repeat for the total number of different colors in this Q #12 (we will end here at 3 different colors in Q#12)
16 push PLAYBACK # (#12 for this example)
17 to RUN this QUE:select CHASE
select SEQUENCE and set FADE IN and DELAY speeds for each color in the Q.
When the QUE COLOR is selected (red) then you can set the FADE IN and DELAY for that Qed COLOR
Lighting Board KEY:
6 buttons + dimmers directly above:
programmable dimmers, where you can set light groups
20 PLAYBACK buttons:
these are where you can set Q LISTS to be programmed, where each button (1-20) can be programmed for a certain light, group of lights, and / or a lighting Q (to run a programmed sequence of lights by hitting one of those buttons – see below)
TRACK BALL: allows you to control the moveable dance lights
============= IMPORTANT ======================
When it’s time to shut the lighting board down, follow this exactly:
#1 Turn intensity of all LEKO lights 1-36 down to 0
#2 Turn 3 Colors of LED #37 (Red, Green, Blue) down to 0
#3 Turn Intensity of STAIR LED #42, 43, 44, 45 all down to 0
#4 Make sure that dance lights are turned off properly (see above)
#5 Click grey button “menu” then press “shutdown”
#6 Once screen says “Ready to Shut down” flip switch on rear panel. Screen should go dark. Power is off.