Vendor Form If you are human, leave this field blank.Contact InfoCompany Name: *The business name as it should appear on the check.First Name *Last Name *Email *Phone (Mobile Preferred) *Alternate PhoneWebsiteex: https://yoursite.comWhat is the date of your next event at NOVA? *Vendor Type *Please check all that apply.BandBakerCatererCoordinatorDecoratorDesignerDessertDJEntertainmentFloristGuestServiceLinenLodgingMusicianOfficiantManagerPlannerPhotoboothPhotographerRentalSecurity - UnarmedSetUpStageStationaryTransportationVideographerValetRequired DocumentsUpload your Liability Insurance Declarations Page *Must be .pdf under 10 meg. What date does your liability insurance expire? *Upload your Headshot Photo / Logo *Business logo OR an up-close, high-quality, headshot (neck up) photo for your profile. Must be .jpg or .png and 2 meg maximum.W9 - ARE YOU BEING PAID BY NOVA 535? If you are being paid by NOVA 535, and NOT the client, you MUST upload your signed W9. File must be .pdf or .jpg with a max file size of 2 meg. Copy and paste the following URL into your browser: and ConditionsreCAPTCHA is required.NOVA Wellness Procedures *I have read, understood, and agree to follow the NOVA Wellness procedures at NOVA. I agreeVendor Expectations *I have read, understood, and agree to follow the Vendor Expectations at NOVA. I agreeOfficial Signature *By typing your full name below, you affirm that you have read the required documents above, and agree to abide by all terms and policies at NOVA 535. SubmitURL